Appearance! The Demon King of the Universe

King Gyuma, ruler of the Gilara star system, plans to use Princess Aurora’s galaxy energy to dominate the galaxy. Gyuma orders Captain Galia to capture the Cosmos and lure Kugo and his crew to the planet Scorpio by raining meteorites down on them. Hakka, who has fond memories of his homeland from the sights of the planet Scorpio, angrily sets out on his own when the Scorpio starts rampaging. Kugo tries to stop him, but he loses his sight due to Scorpio’s poison!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
This episode was so exhausting! It had so much dialogue! I felt like it had as many words as two episodes joined together. This is the first episode of the King Gyuma – Queen Lassetz arc, which continues until episode 51.
I’m assuming that by now you’re not surprised that the planet where King Gyuma lives is called Planet Gyuma, and the planet where Queen Lassetz lives is Planet Lassetz, and the planet where the Scorpios live is Planet Scorpio. It’s been a trend in the whole series; almost all planets are named by their inhabitants. Funny, isn’t it? Remember, this is a show for kids and you watched it when you were one!
In this episode, Kugo uses one of his favorite slangs: ひで hide. You won’t find that in a Japanese dictionary. It’s his way of saying 酷い hidoi which I know you have heard many times in anime, and it means “cruel” or “terrible”. I always say that Kugo is very hard to translate because he speaks like the most relaxed version of Japanese you could ever imagine. It’s full of slang and words pronounced incorrectly or not necessarily incorrectly but differently. ひどい hidoi vs. ひで hide is a good example of how he pronounces some words.
I remember Stratolily asking me what ひで hide meant once.
An example would be the line he says at 12:33:
doronko darake no hide hoshi
It’s a terrible planet, full of mud.
He’s so rude with Hakka it’s disgusting.
Speaking about being rude, Jogo says at 13:26 an interesting line:
何もお前? ハッカの目の前でそんなに当てつけがましいということはないんだよ
Nani mo omae? HAKKA no me no mae de sonna ni atetsukegamashii to iu koto wa nai nda yo
What’s the matter with you? You don’t have to be so rude to Hakka!
The key word here is 当て付けがましい atetsukegamashii, which means kind of “sounds like you’re insinuating (something)”. The verb, 当て付ける atetsukeru, means “to insinuate”, and the がましい gamashii suffix is kind of “sounds like”. A direct translation would be “There’s no such thing as sounding like you’re insinuating that in front of Hakka’s eyes”, but that makes little to no sense at all in English. So basically, you could translate that to “There’s no such thing as being so impolite in front of Hakka” and eventually I ended up with “You don’t have to be so rude to Hakka”.
Here’s another line that I really don’t know how to translate properly. At 20:14 Jugo says:
Hayakushiro datte dare ga maita dare da yo mattaku
The most direct translation I could think of would be something like “You’re telling me now to hurry, but who the hell rolled this up anyway? Seriously!”.
This is kind of an expression. The point here is that Jogo is out there because Hakka got suddenly mad and wanted to attack the Scorpio, who wasn’t even attacking the Cosmos. Eventually, Kugo asks him to go back to the ship, and Jogo complains that Hakka is the reason they left the Cosmos in the first place. Using an expression that is pretty similar would be “who the hell is sowing these seeds, anyway?” or something like that.
I wanted to be clear about what Jogo was trying to say, so I had to change it almost completely. This is just an example of the compromise we have to make so the translation makes more sense.
Another little compromise that all the translators have made in this series in the past is that the Great Planet is called 大王星 daiou sei, which actually means “Great King Planet”. It’s only 3 characters in Japanese but 17 characters in English, so everybody just abbreviates it to “Great Planet”, even in dubs.