The Last Day of the Demon King Army

Queen Lassetz, who finally has Princess Aurora in her possession, sets her body as part of a supercomputer in an attempt to monopolize the Galaxy Energy. At that moment, Gyuma’s army, having learned of Lassetz’s betrayal, attacked. The battle between the two armies ensues, and the space wall collapses. Kugo takes advantage of the opportunity and manages to rescue Princess Aurora, but an enraged Lassetz sends his Neo-Robot after her. How will Kugo fight against such a powerful enemy that even the Astro Pole can’t hurt it?
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translations Thoughts
Just one more episode for the King Gyuma – Queen Lassetz arc to end, but this is the episode that defines it all!
At 3:20 Hakka says:
クーゴ、 何もたもたしてるんだよ
Kuugo, nani motamota shiterunda yo
Kugo, why are you being so slow?
We already discussed もたもた motamota in episode 44! It means slow or inefficient.
At 15:23 Queen Lassetz is already desperate and says her most famous quote ever:
Katachi aru mono wa subete hakai shiro
Destroy everything that has a form!
Sei aru mono wa subete korosu no da
Kill anything that has a life!
In the final moments of Queen Lassetz, she mistakes Bellamis for King Gyuma, and asks him if he ever realized she was betraying him. At the end she lost her mind. That’s why Princess Aurora says:
KITI-hakase ga osshattemashita kokoro o nakushite shimatta hito-tachi wa kekkyoku ayamatta michi o ayumu shika naito
Professor Kitty said that those who have lost their minds will eventually have to go down the wrong path.
I guess she started to lose her mind when she became obsessed with capturing Aurora and taking all the Galaxy Energy for herself. It’s a sad end for both Gyuma and Lassetz.
At 22:34 Kugo says:
Bellamis, ima koso mezamete kure
Bellamis, now is the time to wake up
目覚めて mezamete from the verb 目覚める mezameru can mean either wake up literally or wake up in the sense of becoming aware of something, just like in English. Another translation would be “now is the time to open your eyes”, with the same meaning.