The Planet of Love is the Planet of Sorrow

The Cosmos visited the planet Gore. The queen who greeted them told them that there had been a battle with monsters, and Kugo went to the Valley of Sulfur to see what was going on. Suddenly, however, a squad of Gore aliens appears and arrests him. It is not a monster, but a young girl named Andrea who is in command. Andrea, following in the footsteps of her father, who was a soldier, is willing to lay down her life for the sake of battle, but Kugo warns her not to take life lightly. The two become friends in the fight together, and the queen appears before them…
You can download the torrent file from Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
My apologies for taking a long time to upload this episode. This episode was ready two weeks ago, but Anidex has been down since. AnimeTosho only scrapes from Nyaa (which doesn’t allow registrations), Anidex (which is down), and Tokyo Toshokan, which wasn’t accepting my torrents. Most people watch my releases through AnimeTosho because sites that stream anime use AnimeTosho as a source, as well as many add-ons to popular streaming applications like Stremio and Kodi.
Eventually, I realized that Tokyo Toshokan didn’t like my torrents because they were “hybrid.” I recreated the torrent as V1, and it worked.
I don’t think Anidex is coming back anytime soon.
The fifth planet is called ゴア GOA, which sounds like Gore. I know it’s not a pretty name, but I couldn’t come up with something better.
At 2:54 Kugo says:
なんて殺風景な星なんだ. 奇麗のどこじゃねーか
Nante sappuukei na hoshi na nda. Kirei no doko ja nee ka
What a bleak planet! Where’s the beauty?
Kugo is referring to the fact that the planet looks medieval and has no technology. He doesn’t think it is beautiful, but rather simple and lame. The word 殺風景 sappukei means “bleak”, “dreary” or “tasteless”.
When Kugo arrives in the Valley of Sulfur, he says:
Sou ka SOFURAN to wa iou no koto ka
I see, SOFURAN means sulfur.
Kugo doesn’t know what the English word sulfur (フラン SOFURAN) means. He heard フラン SOFURAN before but didn’t know what it was. Then he realizes the valley is full of sulfur (硫黄 iou). I translated this line to “I see why this is called the Sulfur Valley”.