Farewell Princess! My Friends!

Kugo and his friends follow the Demon King Golger to the moon of the Demon King’s planet. Golger manipulates a swarm of mutants to attack them. These mutants were originally innocent grass, trees, and animals. Kugo and his friends are forced to struggle because they can’t take their lives. To restore them to what they once were, they need the Galaxy Energy of the Great Planet, but electromagnetic matter gets in the way and prevents it from reaching them. The Demon King Golger finally reveals himself in a blow delivered by an enraged Kugo. The time has come to settle the battle for peace throughout the galaxy!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
This is it! The moment you all have been waiting for! The last episode of the SF Saiyuki Starzinger saga.
Thank you to all who have watched the series up to the end.
At 1:35 Kugo says:
ジョーゴ、ガス星雲 だ
JOUGO, GASU seiun da
Jogo, it’s a gas nebula
This time Kugo said literally “gas nebula”. The word 星雲 seiun means nebula. So it wasn’t that bad when I used this translation a couple of episodes ago when they said ガス状の塊 GASU-jou no katamari, which means a “gaseous mass”.
At 2:59 you can hear that Professor Kitty says clearly, “Alpha ni-juu, epsilon san-juu-roku”. When I heard this, I realized I’d made a mistake in translating “epsilon” as “ixilo” on episode 23. Sorry about that!
Golger says at 14:15:
Ima koso ore no osoroshisa o misete yaru
Now I’ll show you how scary I am
You might think that sounds a little dumb, and it is, but keep in mind that this is a show for children!
At 15:04 Kugo says:
Ookisa nara makenai ze
When it comes to size, you can’t beat me!
I translated that in the episode as “Size doesn’t matter to me”, just to try to avoid a “that’s what she said” joke. But I think my effort was useless anyway; it still sounds like a “that’s what she said” joke.
And finally, Princess Aurora says at 19:36:
Kondo koso hontou no owakare desu ne
This time is a real goodbye, isn’t it?
It isn’t, Princess Aurora! I’m going to translate the first movie next!
Thank you for all your hard work! When Starzinger I ended to be continued so abruptly, I felt the final ending would not be satisfactory at all. But I am glad to see I was wrong! The final goodbyes were really emotional. Quite the tokusatsu show Starzinger II turned out to be!
You’re very welcome!
¿Cómo estás?
Al fin llegó el gran momento y has completado tu tremando trabajo. No me queda más que agradecerte infinitamente por todo lo que has hecho!
A mí me quedan 11 capítulos por subtitular, que espero terminar este año, pues mi vida dio un vuelco (muy positivo debo decir!) y no tengo el tiempo de antes, además de que ahora estoy de vacaciones.
¡Muchas gracias otra vez!
Pronto te escribiré por mail porque necesito preguntarte algo.
¡Un gran abrazo!
¡Hola! Sí me he dado cuenta que has estado un poco perdida en tu blog, pero me alegro que estés contenta con tu “nueva vida” 🙂
Voy a traducir la película a pesar que sé que hay otras versiones por ahí.
Yay! I can finally start watching. You are awesome! Thanks!!!
PS: so… you are really going to make me scrape the whole blog in order to copy all your translation notes… You are lucky I am too happy and impressed with with the awesome amount of work you’ve done for free, otherwise…
Thanks again and keep being awesome!
The translations notes are not really translation notes, more like “thoughts”. They are not very important. It’s almost like trivia; interesting phrases that they said that I wanted to share. Sometimes they have a cultural background and I have to explain a little bit where they come from. But they are not mandatory or anything. You can enjoy the series fully without reading them.
Dear sir, do not sell yourself short.
I totally understand your point that the notes are not needed to enjoy the series. And I never expected them to be. The reason I asked for the notes is exactly because of what you just said – cultural background, why you chose to go with X instead of Y, etc.
Some times translator notes can even more fascinating than the book, anime or whatever it is you are enjoying at the moment. But even when they are worthless, we can at least see how much effort the translator dedicated to the task.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your efforts. And you will see how much they meant to me because, now that I’ve watched the whole thing, I’ll post some question regarding some of your choices and I’d love to hear what you have to say. But I won’t do it here. I’ll post them in the comment section of the first episode because they aren’t specific to any particular episode. And then I’ll post some ramblings specific to a particular episode in its respective comment section.
Thanks again for everything.
finally – well done for completing the series – your effort is much appreciated.
this is one for the history archives and for those who were living their childhood during this series’ airtime.
thanking you wholeheartedly.
hi there, i am very happy to finally have this amazing anime completed, will you be interested in subbing magne robo ga-keen as your next project??
Muchas gracias por este tremendo esfuerzo! Nos has dado a muchos una alegria muy grande. Que te vaya muy bien en todo. Saludos.
Thank You so much for completing this series. I never thought i would be able to see it. That you for all the hard work. Is it possible to get the Season 1 Episodes 1-12 from Scorpius Subs?
how do you know where the demon king landed, professor Kitty? Our ship was right behind him and we lost him. But you, who are in another galaxy, know?
But, yeah. Impale that sucker Kugo! And nothing like a nuke to pave the way for the power of love.
Anyway, except for the melodrama, this whole season proved that there is absolutely no need to abandon the princess in the Great King Planet. She can pretty much go anywhere she wants and still ignite the waning Galaxy Energy of the place. And, even if that was not the case, just stay there on the planet with her then.
The book was much better in this regard. Who said anything about you having to go your separate ways after reaching the end of your journey?
And so, this is the end. Early on you wondered if there was anyone watching, reading your notes or caring as much as you did. Well, sir, I hope that, after having to deal with MY THOUGHTS on pretty much every episode you translated, you are now aware that we did care. We did appreciate your work. And we really loved your “translation thoughts.” Well, at least I did 🙂
It was a great trip and my only regret is that I am not in a position to donate as much money as I think you deserve for doing it all by yourself.
Now, if you excuse me, I’ll go back to episode 17 and start reading your replies.
Hello, Can you please translate Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai anime.
It’s comedy slice of life anime from 90s.