Which One of the Aliens is a Liar?

Kugo and the others find Pompo, a boy who needs help, estranged on a small planet. When the cyborgs try to pick him up, Pompo hijacks the Cosmos, taking the princess hostage, and tell her to take him to another planet. Kugo seizes him using his clone skill. Thinking that he is just a runaway boy, he tries to hand him over to his mother, who comes to pick him up, but Pompo tells them that she is a monster and fiercely resists. The group is not convinced that he was lying about his mother, and the Cosmos heads for the planet Dandan, a planet famous for being the planet of love and peace.
You can download the torrent file or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
This is a great episode and, in my opinion, a very funny one. The episode is centered on the game called 輪投げ (wanage), which is ring toss or quiots. The 狸 (tanuki) are Japanese raccoon dogs, and in this episode they toss rings from their tails using their magical attack called 輪投げカッター (wanage kattaa), or “Ring Toss Cutter” (that’s the best made-up translation I could come up with, sorry about that).
The belief that these raccoon dogs are shape-shifters and can take the form of a human and are living among us is part of Japanese culture. Many anime shows are based on this, most recently 有頂天家族 (Uchouten Kazoku) “The Eccentric Family”, which is a very good show.
The Japanese love their onomatopoeias, and it seems they have an onomatopoeia for everything. In this episode, Kugo says ぱくぱく (pakupaku), which is the sound when you eat with your mouth open, and むらむら (muramura), which means either being disgusted or angry about something, or having a stomachache. Kugo is fed up with Hakka eating all the time and the sound he makes while eating, and tells him that’s distracting him from the game. The joke is that Hakka offers him medicine for his stomach, because he thought Kugo had an upset stomach.
Also, a nice thing to note is that since this was a show for kids, when a difficult word comes up, like hijack, they try to explain it to the viewers. In this case, it’s Hakka, who hasn’t heard the word before and asked what it means.