The Ghost Monster’s True Identity

While eating, Hakka is struck by an invisible ghost. Moreover, an energy pipe is broken, and the Cosmos loses power. As soon as they switch to infrared lighting, Hakka sees the ghost for what it really is: a gaseous monster with phosphorus-like properties. They must get rid of it as soon as possible, but Kugo cannot use the Astro Pole for fear of damaging the ship’s interior. Soon after, the monster rushes into the Princess’s room in search of the Galaxy Energy!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
There’s so much dialogue in this episode. It was exhausting!
In this episode, Jogo and Kugo really bully the poor Hakka, and they should be over that by now. As expected, the Princess is pissed off about it. It pissed me off, too!
Jogo teaches kids that watch this show a lot about phosphorus and its properties in this episode. Phosphorus exists in two major forms: white phosphorus (also called yellow phosphorus) and red phosphorus. As Jogo mentions, when white phosphorus is exposed to oxygen, it produces a very faint glow in the dark, between green and blue. Also, the odor of its combustion has a characteristic garlic smell.
The heads of modern strike-anywhere matches usually contain phosphorous sulfide, produced only with red phosphorous. The most common matches that you strike on an abrasive strip in the matchbook do not have phosphorus sulfide in the head; the phosphorus sulfide is actually in the strip. These are safer than the strike-anywhere kind.
Like Jogo says, white phosphorus is extremely toxic to humans.
I’m sure one or two of you will learn something new about phosphorus if you watch the episode!
At 1:53 Hakka says:
Kore dakara hime wa hanaseru nda yo ne
This is why Princess can speak, isn’t it?
That’s a correct translation without any context. But you shouldn’t translate this line like that in this case.
The meaning of 話せるhanaseru (can speak/can talk) comes from 話す hanasu (speak/talk). But 話せる hanaseru can also mean “to be understanding” or “to be sensible”. It is still the potential form of 話す hanasu (potential form of the verb “to speak” is “can speak”) but depending on the context, it can mean “to be understanding”, like in this case.
This episode looks like a showcase for Japanese insults. Here are some new ones that I haven’t covered in previous episodes. At 2:01 Kugo and Jogo say:
It can also mean “gluttony”. Another example, at 5:19 Jogo says:
Nani o itteru nda kono nebosuke
What are you talking about, sleepyhead?
A ねぼすけ nebosuke is a person who’s always sleepy, or who over sleeps.