Beyond the Space Storm!

Kugo and his team had passed through the Atlantis system. However, their relief was short-lived, as they were informed by Assistant Professor Dodge that the remaining amount of Galaxy Energy they had been radiating toward the sun was running low. They have two days of sunlight left. After that, they don’t know what will happen to the solar system. Kugo and the others rushed to the Great Planet, but they encountered a tornado in the gaseous nebula and had to flee into an asteroid to weather the storm. As the group takes a brief rest, an amoeba-like object looms ominously over them!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
We’re getting close to the end of Starzinger. One more episode to go.
Remember that after that, we have to watch nine episodes of Starzinger II.
At 7:55 Kugo says:
Uzu ga hageshiku natta dake desu yo
The vortex just got more intense.
I didn’t like the word “vortex” but he says that. Kugo means they are inside some kind of gas whirlpool.
Now that I think about it, I could have used “whirlpool”.
Eventually, it gets worse and turns into a gas tornado. Jogo confirms it at 8:14:
すごい渦さ いやこれは竜巻だ
Sugoi uzu sa… iya kore wa tatsumaki da
It’s an amazing vortex… No, it’s a tornado!
dear princess, your problem is not whether or not Earth’s sun will stop shining in the next two days, but how long it will take for the Galaxy Energy to reach the Solar System, considering you are 30.000 light years away from it.
And WTH Professor Dodge? Why put even more pressure on them? Prof. Kitty had just explained to you why it would not be a good idea to tell them that. They already knew it anyway, but still…
And Jogo took advantage of the space tornado to cup a feel. Good for him.
Ep also gets bonus points for having the heroes trying to break through the planet by ramming the ship into it. Come to think of it, it is a good thing the heroes’ ships are made from much stern material than all the enemy ships. Instead of blowing up they just bounce away.