Fly! Towards the Great Planet

The Cosmos, which is about to reach the Great Planet, is chased by a mysterious black cloud and escapes to the Great Planet’s moon. The black cloud turns out to be an electrical energy particle monster, but it is a great struggle for our heroes against such an elusive opponent. Kugo is reunited with Bellamis during the battle, and they take a temporary truce to confront their powerful enemy. The only way to defeat the particle monster is to destroy its core with electromagnetic energy. Bellamis risks her life to face the monster, carrying the wishes of those who have lost their planets!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
And we have just reached the final episode of SF Saiyuki Starzinger! But don’t leave just yet; we still have to watch the nine episodes of SF Saiyuki Starzinger II to reach 73 total episodes of this show.
But if I’m being honest, I would’ve preferred if the show ended in this episode, around the 23:15 mark. The remaining nine episodes weren’t necessary. And I wonder, why were there just nine episodes?
Once again, Kugo is giving me headaches. I’m not really sure of what he says at 3:35:
なんだなんだ、もうすぐじゃねえかよ! きちまったら吐けねえもんだな! え?
Nanda nanda, mousugu ja nee ka yo! Ki chimattara hake nee monda na! E?
What? What? We’re almost there! I can’t throw up once I’m there, right?
He obviously says something nasty because of Hakka’s reaction to the comment, but I’m really not sure that’s what he says there. I’m 50% sure.
At 15:28, Princess Aurora says:
Are wa kou ryuushi no MONSUTAA desu
That’s a monster made of light particles
But then she says:
Are wa denji ENERUGII o motsu ryuushi no MONSUTAA desu
That’s a monster made of electrical energy particles
So what is it, Aurora? Because it’s not the same thing, you know. Is that energy made of photons (light particles), hence light? Or is it made of electrons (electrical particles), and it’s electricity?
Here’s something I totally forgot to talk about back in Episode 40. At 16:10, Bellamis says:
KUUGO, watashi no ken wa denji ken na no da
Kugo, my sword is an electric sword
The only time Bellamis have referred to her sword before this was in Episode 40, at 13:37. At that time I thought that “electric sword” was lame and that “electronic sword” was weird. So I deliberately changed the translation to “electromagnetic sword” because it sounded cool. To be consistent, I also used “electromagnetic” in this episode. But if you want to be a purist, keep in mind that it has always been an “electric sword”.
Bellamis says at 16:32:
Tatta 1-nichi, iya 1-jikan demo ii, watashi wa
Even if it’s just for a day or an hour, I…
And at 17:04:
Tatta 1-nichi, iya 1-jikan demo ii. Heiwana toki ni anata ni aitakatta.
Even if it was just for a day or an hour, I wish I could’ve met you in peacetime.
Yes, that means what you think it means.
At 20:09, Princess Aurora says:
Soshite daiou sei no jou wa kore kara itsumo soba ni
And the Queen of the Great Planet, who will always be by my side from now on
Are you sure, Aurora? Because that’s not how it works! The Queen will die, and you will become the Queen of the Great Planet.
Acabo de ver el capítulo. ¡Cada vez queda menos!
Reconozco que yo también pensé (cuando vi la seria completa en italiano) que no tenía sentido alargar la serie 9 capítulos más, pero después me pareció bien porque SPOILERS POR SI ACASO…
Pudimos ver cómo la Princesa, ya más relajada y empoderada, usa la Energía Galáctica para reestablecer las cosas. Kugo y su nueva habilidad (¡Ay! ¡Espero con ansias el próximo!) y además, su madurez para ayudar a los demás, por lo que hay más desarrollo de personaje en él y me encanta eso.
Lo único que me da rabia, es que tenemos que ver dos despedidas. Como si una sola no fuera suficiente, ¡jaja!
¡Me muero por ver el ending nuevo!
Yo he intentado buscar información de por qué la decisión de hacer Starzinger II en primer lugar, y segundo, ¿por qué sólo 9 episodios? ¿Será que fue un fracaso total? ¿Iban a ser OVAs pero decidieron pasarlos por TV por la popularidad de Starzinger? Pero la verdad han pasado tantos años que no creo que exista una página web que diga por qué existe Starzinger II.
Pero siempre me ha dado curiosidad.
Según el sitio web que te compartí la otra vez, Starzinger II bajo un poquito en audiencia en comparación a Starzinger, pero en general anduvo bien en comparación con los otros trabajos del maestro Matsumoto de la misma época, de hecho los rating de Starzinger y Starzinger II fueron prácticamente iguales al de Galaxy Express 999 y ambos animés doblaron y a veces triplicaron el rating del Capitán Harlock!!
Te dejo aquí los links directos para que les eches un vistazo:ûki-Starzingerûki-Starzinger-IIô-999û-Kaizoku-Captain-Harlock
Así que yo no diría que le fue mal en realidad.
Mi teoría es que en vez de simplemente agregar 9 capítulos a la serie los presentaron como una nueva serie con algunos cambios, para reentusiasmar a los espectadores que ya se estaban aburriendo. Pero el largo de la serie probablemente siempre estuvo pensado más o menos en 75 capítulos.
Y muchas gracias por las traducciones!
Well done! Thanks so much for finishing the fansub for this tragically neglected series. Looking forward to the final 9 episodes from Starzinger II
Well that was a ride! This turned out to be quite the story with the tragic romance and all. Never thought it would go beyond space adventures and monster killing! That was a very rushed and weak plug to continue the series tho lol! Thanks a bunch for the subs, enjoyed it a lot!
Don’t forget to watch the nine episodes of Starzinger II! (Just one has been released so far)
it’s been a while since we sent people to the hospital. Comence epilepsy attack!
And… well, that was rushed, wasn’t it? Found the last enemy, figured out how to defeat it, Bellamis sacrificed herself, Aurora reached the Queen and the cliffhanger, all that in 5 minutes.
The only time Bellamis have referred to her sword before this was in Episode 40, at 13:37. At that time I thought that “electric sword” was lame and that “electronic sword” was weird. So I deliberately changed the translation to “electromagnetic sword” because it sounded cool. To be consistent, I also used “electromagnetic” in this episode. But if you want to be a purist, keep in mind that it has always been an “electric sword”.
I am extremely disappointed with you.
Soshite daiou sei no jou wa kore kara itsumo soba ni
And the Queen of the Great Planet, who will always be by my side from now on
Are you sure, Aurora? Because that’s not how it works! The Queen will die, and you will become the Queen of the Great Planet.
She is just saying she won’t be burrying the corpse. It is the regal way of saying that she’ll go “Weekend at Bernie’s” to pass the time in the Great King Planet.