The Mystery of the Ancient Planet

The Cosmos receives a signal for an SOS. It seems that there is a ship trapped on some planet. Since the Cosmos needs to correct its orbit in order to get there, Kugo heads for the site in his Starcrow. Kugo is attracted by the planet’s gravitational pull and is suddenly attacked by a group of strange soldiers. He escapes the attack and is reunited with Bellamis, who tells him that the strange soldiers are foreign troops of Gyuma’s army who are being hypnotized by a divine statue called Mandragon. So he and Bellamis set out to exterminate Mandragon!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
I think this is the episode where Kugo and Bellamis interact the most. It’s clear that Kugo has some feelings for Bellamis, and he doesn’t really want to fight her. Bellamis, on the other hand, has decided to fight Kugo and beat him one day. That’s what she always says, but looking at her eyes when she looks at Kugo makes you think she might want something else.
It’s time for you to decide who should end up with Kugo:
At 12:44 Hakka says:
Unadon sanchou daishikyuu
Three bowls of eel and rice, ASAP
うな丼 Unadon is a popular Japanese dish.
Hakka doesn’t like when the Princess worries about Kugo, and he said that he was hungry, so that’s what he says on the radio when he’s supposed to call Kugo.
At 16:40 Kugo says:
BERAMISU, nokori no isei wa ore no masui kousen de nemura sete yaru ka
Bellamis, should I put the rest of the aliens to sleep with my paralyzing beam?
This is the first time Kugo says “Paralyzer Beam” in Japanese. He says 麻酔光線 masui kousen, which means “paralyzing beam”, or maybe more accurately “anesthetic beam”. He always says “Paralyzer Beam” in English.
Finally confirmation, that “trizer beam” was “Paralyzer Beam” all along! Thank you for your hard work! What a star-crossed romance! Based on the first episodes I was convinced all this series will ever be is silly space monsters.
That’s right! Kugo never said “trizer” though, that’s something that I guess ILA came up with at the time. He says パライザー・ビーム PARAIZAA BIIMU which sounds like “palizer”. It also appears in the Japanese Wikipedia like that.
“help! we’re stuck on a planet that has a gravitational pull so strong we can’t get out.”
“OK, let me just get really close and… ohhhh I’m being pulled and I cannot get out!”
By the way, that is a very selective gravitational force. It seems to affect only the ship. People are immune! They should have become pancakes.
And look, a Mandrake. Straight from the book. Except in the book there are, like, 30 mandrakes. And they are fruits. And have no hypnotism power. Well, kind of, but mostly because the three disciples really wanted to eat the fruits. No Bilbo or any other Hobbit in the book eigther. But other than that, straight from the book!
Anyway, go for the eyes! Go for the eyes!!!
PS: Bellamis is needing it so much she is starting to get all wet just from talking to Kugo. Well, Kugo does have a pole that can get as big as she wants, so…
PS 2:
“BERAMISU, nokori no isei wa ore no masui kousen de nemura sete yaru ka
Bellamis, should I put the rest of the aliens to sleep with my paralyzing beam?
This is the first time Kugo says “Paralyzer Beam” in Japanese. He says masui kousen, which means “paralyzing beam”, or maybe more accurately “anesthetic beam”. He always says “Paralyzer Beam” in English.”
It took 59 episodes but, apparently, the mistery is finally solved! Yay!!! Trizer beam, tsc…
PS 3: this Kugo might be divided between Bellamis and Aurora, but his book counterpart is a true monk and, therefore, has left all that behind him. Then again, in the book Kugo is a monkey and the princess is a man so, if they had that kind of feelings for each other, things would get really weird.