The Princess Disappears on the Magma Planet!

Angered by his repeated failures, King Gyuma sends a garrison to capture Princess Aurora. Kugo and his friends are met with Operation Spark, which tries to defeat the opponent at the cost of their own lives. Disguised as a meteorite, Bellamis hijacks the Cosmos, and attempts to take Princess Aurora to the planet Lassetz. However, the gravitational pull of a dying planet forces them to make an emergency landing, and both are knocked unconscious. Princess Aurora eventually regains consciousness, takes care of Bellamis, and learns the secret hidden in Bellamis’ body.
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
Finally, the big reveal! The secret is out! Yes, I know everybody knew about it at this point.
The scene in which Bellamis meets Princess Aurora for the first time outside the Cosmos defies all physical laws. Not only can they walk and breathe in space normally, but they can talk to each other when sound doesn’t travel in space. And don’t get me started on the meteorite fire that had to be put out with an extinguisher. This is their worst space scene ever! In previous scenes, at least Aurora had some kind of oxygen helmet.
Bellamis refers to her spaceship as “Cosmo Machine” as you can hear at 13:34:
Mamonaku watashi no KOZUMO MASHIIN no oite aru chiten desu
I’ll soon get to the spot where my Cosmo Machine is located.
But it’s a horrible name for a spaceship. I know for the Japanese, “Cosmo Machine” sounds cool because it’s English and they love calling things in English, but I don’t think it really works, so I left it as “spaceship”.
The following is one of those lines that is a little hard to translate but works perfectly in Japanese because the verb is at the end. Bellamis say at 15:42:
せっかく手に入れたオーロラ姫 いやギャラクシーエネルギーを守らなければ
Sekkaku te ni ireta OURORA hime, iya, GYARAKUSHII ENERUGII wo mamoranakereba
If I don’t protect Princess Aurora, that was so hard to capture… No, if I don’t protect the Galaxy Energy…
Basically, Bellamis doesn’t really care about Princess Aurora, but about the Galaxy Energy she has instead. The pain here is that I had to repeat the verb “protect” twice in the sentence, and it’s only being said once. That’s less time for the viewer to read it.
What’s the difference between Galaxy Energy and galaxy’s energy?
That’s a good question nobody has asked, ever!
You must have noticed by now in the translations that sometimes “Galaxy Energy” is being said and other times it is “galaxy’s energy”.
The difference is that the Galaxy Energy is the fuel to top up the galaxy’s energy. It’s like the galaxy’s energy is your car, and the Galaxy Energy is gas.
Princess Aurora is a medium for creating Galaxy Energy. By using that headband she wears all the time, she can emit a Galaxy Energy beam to top up devices that use it. When she arrives at the Great Planet, she’s going to emit Galaxy Energy to restore the whole galaxy’s energy, and everything will go back to normal. By the way, she has to do this constantly, so she basically needs to move to the Great Planet and live forever there until the next princess arrives. The galaxy’s energy has been weakened because the current Queen has grown old, and she’s going to be replaced by Aurora, who will become Queen herself. This was actually explained in detail in the first episode of the show.
Te tengo una sorpresa!
Los dos últimos capítulos que aparecen aquí, el 49 y el 50, con el audio del doblaje latino!
Este link no me funciona
¿Quizás no está público?
EDIT: Me parece que Mega ya no deja compartir /fm/ links. De hecho el de tu blog ya tampoco es accesible. Creo que ahora hay que generar un link público haciendo click en los 3 punticos del folder y seleccionando “Get Link”.
Ay sí, olvidé lo del Get Link, sorry!
Aquí está…
Voy a arreglar el otro también.
¿Tú hiciste el trabajo de poner el audio en estos videos? No puedo creer que no se saltaron escenas en estos dos episodios.
No recordaba las voces de Bellamis y Lassetz en español pero apenas las escuché es como que me regresé en el tiempo. Ya veo por qué dices que para ti era obvio que Bellamis era una mujer. ¡Una voz más femenina no le pudieron poner! Su voz en Japonés me parece que sí genera dudas y es más acorde a la historia.
Supongo estos son los dos últimos episodios que tradujeron, ¿cierto?
Adicionalmente es asombroso como en el doblaje han cambiado todo el personaje de Lassetz. Cambiaron todo su diálogo para no paracer tan mala como realmente es.
Un ejemplo rapidito: En el episodio 50 cuando yace ya Lassetz a los 20:40 en español dice “ahora ya has aprendido la lección, verdad Balamia, apártate de mi vista, el espacio galático está en mis manos”
Realmente dice: ‘King Gyuma, te has dado cuenta? Caíste en mi trampa. Ahora muere, maldito! Toda la galaxia me pertenece!”.
En Japonés: “思い知ったか キングギューマ 私の罠にハマったな 死ね 消え失せろ 銀河宇宙は私のもの”
A esas alturas ya Lassetz se ha vuelto completamente loca.
Bueno ya verás como todo está cambiado cuando llegue a esos episodios
Un argentino me escribió agradeciéndome que estoy subtitulando al español el animé y me dijo que tenía los capítulos, así que me los pasó. No le pregunté de dónde los había sacado, pero después lo puedo hacer.
Los títulos que les puse los saqué de aquí (se me había olvidado compartirte este enlace antes, es buenísimo):ûki-Starzinger
Es una lista con todos los títulos de los capítulos, fecha de transmisión en Japón, staff a cargo y sinópsis.
Yo sí recordaba sus voces! (aunque no sus nombres en latino, debo confesar. Los leí por ahí hace un tiempo) La de Lassetz es la misma de Medusa, la mala de El Vengador y la de Bellamis, yo recordaba que era la misma actriz de la Doctora Sandra, pero no me acordaba que hablaba tan alto, hasta me molesta un poco ahora, jaja! Y en realidad es que me parece bien molesto que se repitan voces, durante todos los capítulos en latino es así pero claro, no nos dábamos de cuenta cuando chicos.
Sí, pensé lo mismo! Recordé eso que contaste de todas las escenas cortadas, y bueno, yo ya me había dado cuenta por ejemplo, en el capítulo 5 cuando Kugo golpea a Jogo y eso definitivamente no está en el capítulo con doblaje latino, hasta lo arreglaron de tal manera que no se notara en la medida de lo posible, por supuesto.
Y vaya cambio lo de la Reina Lassetz! Bueno, hasta lo hicieron con la historia de Galáctico, tanto así que Galáctico es casi otro personaje completamente distinto a Kugo!
What a great year start, thanks!!
aha! I’ve finally reached your reasoning for the “machine” becoming “spaceship.” I think your approach is valid and very reasonable, but as I said before, I’d still prefer you’d kept the word they were actually saying. And then showed how awesome you are by commenting about it in the “translation thoughts”, which you would include with every episode. See? See why I keep asking for the notes to be bundled with the eps?
And by including them with the episodes, not only more people would be aware they could donate some money to the guy that spent a lot of time making the subs, but also, if something ever happens to your site, those awesome notes will not be lost. I’ve lost count of how many fansub groups disappeared from the web and lots of them had super interesting notes, just like yours. Wanna an example? Taka fansubs. At one point they were the most popular group in the world, thanks to them subtitling Naruto. And they had notes just like yours. And now, all those notes are lost in time, like tears in rain.
Anyway, I guess the irony here is that you chose to change a word that is said all the time and that most people will hear and understand, while in the previous episode you said you chose to go with “princess” because the character said “hime” and was afraid the very few of us who knew some Japanese would call you out on that. Aha! GOTCHA!!!
But back to the episode.
More firefighting. In vacuum. And a little chitchat afterwaeds. And that woman Bellamis WAS A WOMAN ALL ALONG!!!