The Beautiful Wolf of the Universe

As Kugo and his team hurried to the Great Planet, the Lassetz Corps appeared again. Bellamis is also a member of the Lassetz Corps now. He volunteered to become a cyborg to protect his home planet of Garius, but his mother was killed by a monster and his home planet was destroyed in the struggle. Now Bellamis is all alone, having lost even his only friend, Mew. When Bellamis hears about the Galaxy Energy from Lassetz, he vows to use the energy to create an ideal world for those who have lost their home planet!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
I feel like every time Lassetz has a call with King Gyuma, she breaks a crystal ball in anger. She probably doesn’t care; she’s the Queen of Planet Lassetz, so she must have a lot of money to buy all those crystal balls.
At 19:43 Kugo says:
なるほど… 一人ずつ勝負しろってわけか?
naruhodo… hitori zutsu shoubu shiro tte wake ka?
I see… so do we have to fight them one by one?
I’m not sure if I’m translating the idea properly. What Kugo means is that each one of the cyborgs should fight one of the Hellbirds, making it a fair three vs. three fight. So I used “one on one”, because the literal translation of 一人ずつ hitori zutsu “one by one” might mean something totally different: concentrate on one Hellbird first.
Hola! Excelente capítulo.
Una vez más muchas gracias!
Por lo menos la segunda bola cristal no se le rompió, jajaja!
Así parece, jajajaja.
¡Feliz navidad!
Espero de corazón que pases unas lindas fiestas 😀
¡Gracias, igualmente!
Acabo de subir el episodio 38 😉
Bajando el capítulo!
Muchas gracias! 😀
Regarding the crystal balls, I thought exactly the same thing 🙂
I want to bring the universe back to what it was…
Bellamis, you must kill Kugo and capture the princess so we can use her to restore the Galaxy Energy and bring the universe back to what it was. If you do not do that, the princess will go to the Great King Planet and use the Galaxy Energy to bring the universe back to what it was.
that bitch! You’ve convinced me, Queen Rasetsu. I’m going to kill Kugo and capture the princess so she cannot use the Galaxy Energy to bring the universe back to what it was. This way we can use the Galaxy Energy to bring the universe back to what it was.
by the way, Hellbird? Hell no! Gotta censor that one too.