A Lullaby Resonating on the Battlefield

Queen Lassetz learns that the Cosmos is approaching the planet Gamagin and orders it to attack using the monster Gamagin. Belamis objects that it will involve the nearby planet Lovely, but Lassetz dismisses it. Planet Lovely becomes a battlefield, and Princess Aurora rescues a boy there who has fallen ill. In order to save the boy, they must obtain a jewel on the planet Eisner. Kugo leaves Planet Lovely and rushes to Planet Eisner. Queen Lassetz learns of this and orders an all-out attack on Planet Lovely!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
The kid in this episode is actually named Cute. His real name is キュート KYUUTO which totally means Cute. I’m sorry, but even though I can imagine that’s a cool name for a Japanese kid, it’s a terrible English name. So I was between Keith and Kurt, but ultimately I decided to go with the latter. If you’re a purist, just keep in mind that the kid’s name is Cute.
I’ve got a funny story about why we need to change those Japanese names sometimes. There’s an SUV in Japan from Mitsubishi called パジェロ PAJERO. When they brought that SUV to North and South America, they had to change the name because “pajero” means “masturbator” in several Spanish-speaking countries. They chose several different ones, depending on the country. In my home country, it was called Montero, which means something like mountaineer, I don’t know.
Cute is not as bad as pajero, but it’s still bad, so I really had to change it.
The insert song of this episode is called 星の子守歌 Hoshi no komori-uta “Lullaby of the Stars”, and is performed by 増山江威子 Masuyama Eiko which is the seiyuu of Professor Kitty. I’m not a lyricist, so the translation doesn’t really sound like a song. I guess a professional translator would’ve written a song based on the Japanese lyrics. Also, there’re a lot of bangs and explosions during the song, so I’m not 100% sure of the lyrics, and I couldn’t find another version online I could listen to without the background noise. The lyrics don’t really add anything to the story anyway.
At 3:19 Queen Lassetz says:
You’re being repetitive!
Queen Lassetz here is tired of Bellamis insisting they should not fight near Planet Lovely because there are innocent people there working for them, producing the food they eat in the Gilara star system.
¡Ay, estaba esperando este capítulo con ansias por la canción!
¡Y yo la tengo! Se me fue haberte dicho sabiendo que se aproximaba este capítulo T__T
Aparece en uno de los discos de vinilo de Starzinger, como parte de un audio drama que hicieron usando los capítulos 22 y 23. Y bueno, aunque ya tienes el capítulo listo, te la dejo por si acaso (empieza en el minuto 4:35)…
También ahí hay una canción “extra” de Isao Sasaki que creo que no aparece en animé, así que la habrán hecho especialmente para el disco. Y también esta completo el segundo ending.
Todo centrado en Kugo y la Princesa. Es para cortarse las venas, jaja! *sniff*
Morí con lo de la camioneta! jajaja!
Jajajajaj, ¡Qué desgracia! De paso luego que lo dijiste conseguí fácilmente los dos CDs de OST de Starzinger en una mejor calidad que el vinil. Nunca se me ocurrió buscar los OSTs, buscaba videos en YouTube de la canción en específico como tal.
Pues dado esto, me equivoqué en varias partes:
星の海は白い流れ 静かな輝き
Hoshi no umi wa shiroi nagare shizuka na kagayaki
El mar de estrellas es un flujo blanco, silencioso y brillante
遠い彼方へ 旅は長く
Toui kanata e tabi wa nagaku
El viaje hacia lo más lejano es largo (literalmente es hacia el “más allá” pero eso en español suena a que se va a morir. Esta línea estaba súper seguro que la tenía mala)
Yumeji harukana haha no hoshi yo
La estrella de mi madre, en sueños lejana
光る架け橋 夜も昼も明るく照らす 旅の行方
Hikaru kakehashi yoru mo hiru mo akaruku terasu tabi no yukue
Un puente brillante, un viaje que ilumina brillantemente la noche y el día.
Lo demás si me parece que está bien.
Bueno… igual la canción no es muy importante para la historia… la dejaré así.
Llevaba un tiempo que quería comentarte lo de las canciones y siempre se me olvidaba. Y es que también quería pedirte, si no es mucha la molestia… Podrías traducir la canción de Isao Sasaki y el 2do ending completo, por favor? 🙈🙈
Pero no hay apuro!! Puede ser al final, cuando termines el animé, además que el ending obviamente está en los últimos capítulos.
Y gracias por las correcciones.
let’s needlessly attack the enemy in the place that produces all our food. By destroying our own food supply chain I can show how evil I am.
It was, in fact, a good plan because they could use the people as shield against the heroes. But they chose to go with the I’m so evil justification instead.
I really liked you finally went for “shady” instead of “suspicious.” Saying we are not shady people sounds better than “we are not suspicious people.” Unfortunately it is just as convincing 🙂
By the way, I bet they named the boy “Cute” instead of “Kurt” and you know it 🙂
(this, like everything else not addressing something you wrote in your “translation thoughts,” was written way before I read them. I watched every single episode before reading anything you wrote in order to avoid spoilers.)
PS: I really liked the design of enemy attack ships but, the problem with copying jet fighters is that it is hard to justify why a spaceship would have those huge air intakes. Then again, they do talk a lot in space. And things catch fire too, so… yeah, cool design.
PS 2: goddamit Hakka, we cannot move this boy to a bomb shelter. He has measles! Don’t you know You cannot move when you have measle?
Then again, he was going to infect everybody, so maybe the dumb princess was right, for the wrong reasons.
PS 3: I loved how the Rasetsu army suddenly became robots, just so the heroes could blow them all up.
PS 4: Bellamis finally realized Rasetsu is evil. For the record, when I said she was smart in a previous post, I meant smarter than the heroes.
PS 5: am I the only one who thought it would have been extremely funny if measles boy Cute had fallen down a cliff when he was running looking up to the sky?
Oh, almost forgot. I had no idea Pajero meant something like that in Spanish. In my home-country they kept it Pajero.
Now, one car that would have been awesome to see there would have been the Ford Pinto. “Pinto” could be translated as “cock,” in both senses of the word. But the thing is, nobody ever uses that word when talking about birds 🙂