Big Transformation! Jan Kugo

Kugo and his friends are called back to the Great Planet and reunited with Princess Aurora. They are asked by Professor Kitty to rescue the people of the Golgore system, a remote star system where Galaxy Energy cannot reach, from the hands of monsters. Princess Aurora, who sees her own past in Golgore’s princess, Frene, sets off again on the Cosmos to bring peace to the people. Arriving at the first planet, the group is attacked by the Golgore monster Dragon. Kugo confronts this unknown enemy with new powers given to him by Assistant Professor Dodge!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
A new series! If you can call nine episodes a series. You could also say it’s the final arc of the whole series.
There’s a new opening and a new ending. If you watched Spaceketeers in the US or El Galáctico in Latin America, you would immediately recognize this opening because it was the one that was used in both versions. Although in Latin America the opening was mirrored for some reason, the scenes were not in the same order and also contained some scenes from the ending as well.
Isn’t it ironic that Princess Aurora, even with the help of three very powerful cyborgs, took 64 episodes to reach the Great Planet, but Professor Kitty and Assistant Professor Dodge managed to get there in half an episode by themselves with no help whatsoever?
You can see that the Queen of the Great Planet is still alive since she talks to everybody at 16:37. That’s why Aurora is still a princess, and not Queen Aurora.
The new star system is called ゴルゴア GORUGOA, which sounds closer to “Golgore” in English. But it might well be “Gorgoa”. I thought “Golgore” is a better English adaptation, so that’s what I used.
Now Kugo has a new skill called アストロ・変身 ASUTORO henshin Astro Transformation. From now on, he’s pretty much the only one who can fight the Golgore monsters, and the other two won’t help too much. Also, the Princess can now use Galaxy Energy as a weapon with her new helmet. That makes her more helpful than Hakka and Jogo.
Muy agradecido por el aporte que has dado a todos los que somos fans de esta serie..
Soy de la República del Ecuador en Sudamérica y tengo 50 años.. cuando era un niño ví esta serie.. y me emociona poder ver capítulos que ni siquiera pasaron en nuestro país… quedo totalmente agradecido y si puedes completar los que hacen falta te agradezco mucho más.
Sólo faltan 8 episodios me tomará entre 3-4 meses terminar todo. Ya tengo más de un año en esto.
Hola como estan, saludos a todos, increible aporte, una vez se coomplete esta serie, seria posible asi como con esta terminar la serie de magne robo ga-keen??, gracias de antemano
Finally Aurora is a full-fledged space princess lol! Love the new outfits! I felt there was a mild hint at a dark mystery in how little we know of what she actually needed to do once she got to the Great Planet, but thats probably just me. Oh and is this a mecha series now that Jan Kugo can transform to giant size kek? Its still a pretty fun series but arriving at the Great Planet should have ended it; they could have dealt with the Golgore before this, the stakes just don’t scale well after saving the Earth, the Galaxy, and everything, and at what cost. Again, thanks for the translation!
Muchas gracias…excelente!
Thank you so much! for all your work!
since they were calling “monsters” “monsters”, maybe we should have kept “youkai” “youkai”. Or at least some other variation. Maybe “demon”
Also not sure I would go with “these monsters are big” for “kondo no monster wa taihena yatsu”. Maybe “tough”
Princess lonely sacrifice to restore the Galaxy Energy apparently lasted 5 minutes. And what happens when she goes to the other galaxy? Will this one lose all the Galaxy Energy again? Will the princess need to keep moving from galaxy to galaxy non-stop, like a juggler trying to not let the plates fall? As far as I could understand, the princess (now) is some sort of Galaxy Energy lighter. So many questions, so little time. Except for Professor Kitty, who apparently managed to go from Earth to the Great Planet in 2 minutes.
Anyway, big Kugo, little Kugo! Straight from the book.
And the other princess died… maybe taking a bedridden person in a 30.000 light-year voyage wasn’t such a good idea… They were way more careful early on in the series. In one episode they were, like, “are you crazy? He has measles! Even though we are being bombarded, we cannot move a person with measles to the bomb shelter. We must leave him in his bed!!!”
Anyway, very brutal kill. And the princess seemed pretty fine with it. Then again apparently the monster was not killed and ran away. After having his brain pierced by the Astro pole…