Kugo vs Fake Kugo

Dragon, a monster once defeated by Kugo, disguised himself as Kugo in revenge and launched an attack on the planet Spalleta. He severely injures the king’s son, whose father refuses to submit to Princess Aurora, and instills hatred in the people. Unaware of this, Kugo is attacked for a crime he does not know anything about. On the condition that Jogo becomes a hostage, Kugo takes it upon himself to capture the impostor, but if he fails to catch the real culprit, Jogo will be killed!
You can download the torrent file from Anidex or Anirena, or get direct links from AnimeTosho.
Translation Thoughts
If you have trouble differentiating the two Kugos, the fake one speaks faster and in a slightly higher pitch, but is very noticeable. That makes him harder to translate too, at least for me.
At 11:12 Kugo says:
Aitsu wa DORAGA-sei de deatta tatsumaki MONSUTAA ni chigainai yo
That must be the tornado monster we encountered on Planet Dragon
Honestly, they never called the first planet “Planet Dragon” anywhere until now, but the first monster was indeed called Dragon, and it is the same monster. I translated it as “first planet”. Jogo also mentions this earlier, at 9:58.
Thanks! When you finish the series, will you be doing the Starzinger Toei Manga Matsuri movie? I think skarohuntingsociety did it some years ago but I don’t see it available anywhere.
I haven’t think about that, I didn’t even remember that movie existed. Who knows?
The TSHS version is not hard to find, you can find it either in Nyaa or in Bitsearch.
Sadly those are long dead.
Search again and you’ll surely find it. There was even a version on youtube when I was looking for it.
This was a fun episode! Would have been better if they didn’t use the same trick twice (first Jogo then Kugo are revealed to not be monsters by their chivalrous acts) but i like the continued theme of monsters being indistinguishable from people, even if here it is a clear war crime (masquerading as the enemy on the battlefield). So thanks again for the subs!
fake Kugo. Straight from the book. Questionable dialogue though. I mean,
“I’m the king of the sixth planet” is not something one would expect to hear
from a society with a medieval technological level. “I am the king of this planet and if you say one more time that my planet revolves around our sun I’ll give you to my inquisitors!”
The irony here is that I had to be very careful with that joke. I couldn’t just have the king saying “stop saying my planet is not plane!!!” because… well, they found lots of plane planets on their way to the Great King Planet 🙂
I wonder if the kingdom name was supposed to be “Sparta.” Not that it matters, what matters is that the fake Kugo burned the Dungeons And Dragons kid to death!
Bonus points for the 4 of them saying “what a beautiful planet. It must have lots of fruit” while looking at something that could only be described as a green moon.
Extra bonus points for “Kugo, let yourself be captured so we can figure out what is going on.” Kugo then proceeds to murder a guard.
At least the fake-Kugo thing was solved in a much more satisfactory way than in the book.